Sunday, August 26, 2007


I Markandey a student of the course FPGDST in CDAC Banglore.
When i came CDAC i feel very nice for seeing the infrastructure
and the new environments.I saw that environment firstly in life.
I studied four years in MIT Muzaffarpur.My branch was Information
technology.My college is in custudy of government of Bihar.MIT is the
good institue of Bihar.The potential of selected students are so high.
Except of on campus maximum students achieve jobs.In college there good relation between students.When i entered in campus of CDAC -Banglore i think there will
must placement.I remembered the class was started 10 o'clock in up block.
There were presents all students and faculty.First students represents yours
intriduction.After that faculties introduce yourself.When class were finished
all students alloted hostel.After that all went to hostel.That time hostel are awaited for me.I filled the form for hostel.After one week allotment of hsotel were declared.I started to
living hostel.Firs day i feel not so good but after that all my batchmate meet me
friendship became increased .In campus the mesh facility is very good. The first day of CDAC can not be forgate.I hope that CDAC is the heaven of me .Because there all facility are availabe.I have to study only.I attend the class regularly.My main paper is java .Also Data Structure is my interesting paper.First day the unix class was held.I was not study unix.In CDAC i did programming in unix.Unix have only command,if any rememb command then it is so easy.

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