Tuesday, December 20, 2011



Mobile phone hand sets are used close to hand. It absorbs some of radio waves. Researchers of Finland are warning that the use of hand -held cellular phone might cause brain tumor. Scientist from the radiation and nuclear safety authority has found the exposure of human cells to mobile phone radiation can damage the blood brain barrier. The exposure causes the cells in blood vessels walls to shrink, which enables molecules to pass into brain tissues. The effects are headache, earache, sleeplessness, memory loss or even cancer.

Most of the electromagnetic equipment such as mobile phone generats electromagnetic field . some of these devices creates low- frequency Electromagnetic field while some such as mobile phone creats high frequency EMF. Since the radiation is ionizing its energy is enough to rapture intra -and inter -molecular links in tissues.The cellular system has many base station , which share a number of microwave frequency.Each base station sends and receives signals from a small areas called a cell. Cell phone converts sound into radio -wave and transmit these and also receives radio signals and converts these into sound wave.

Few companies are designing filters that fit into the cell phone and reduce emissions. Keeping the cell phone away from the head also reduce the exposure to radiations.

Ultimately, the law of nature holds supreme that every beautiful flower has thorn underneath it.



OmniTouch is a depth sensing and wearable projection system introduced by Microsoft. The device provides an interactive, graphical and multitouch input on arbitrary surfaces (table tops, hands, arms, legs, paper, etc). It uses 3-D motion sensing and a projector to provide a touch screen on any surface. It is the first functioning technology that allows users to create and interact with images in a 3-D space.

OmniTouch requires the user to wear a shoulder mounted projector, which projects the touch screen on surfaces based on the user choice and tracks the hand movement for input. The device can then recognize the button press on the projected surface and the gestures in 3D space. It provides the user a larger area of interaction instead of confining them to a tiny screen. It is estimated that the bulky shoulder mount in the initial versions will be brought down to smaller sizes in future release of OmniTouch.

The short-range camera provides a 320x240 depth map at 30 frames per second. Objects as close as 8 inches can be easily imaged, with a relative error of 0.2 inches. However, the depth accuracy decreases and noise increases with an increase in distance. The projector provides a wide angle, focus-free projection of graphical elements, regardless of the distance from the projector. The camera and projector are mounted to a metal frame, which is worn on the user’s shoulder, and is secured using a chest strap. The projector and camera are tethered to a computer for prototyping.



iOS is Apple's mobile operating system used to run the popular iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch devices. Formerly known as the iPhone OS. iOS utilizes a multi-touch interface where simple gestures are used to operate the device, like swiping your finger across the screen to move to the next page or pinching your fingers to zoom out.

iOS has gone through multiple updates, with recent updates adding the ability to create folders for app icons and the ability to multi-task. The updates are generally free for iPhone and iPad users, while iPod Touch users are sometimes required to pay a nominal fee.

iOS allows iPad apps to utilize certain tasks in the background without being a major drain on memory and processing power. It also allows us to organize our apps into folders. This is great for those who had page after page filled with icons. Another huge feature in the iOS update was the ability to print from our iPad. AirPrint works with AirPrint-enabled printers available from HP.

iOS introduced a host of new email features, including a unified inbox and threaded email discussions. The iPad now supports multiple ActiveSync accounts, which is good news for those with multiple Microsoft Exchange accounts.

. This allows us to stream our movies and music from our PC/Mac to our iPad without taking up precious storage space on your tablet.

Wireless Power

Wireless power

Using the principle of electromagnetic induction, by which an electrical charge can be stimulated in a wire coil by placing another one nearby, the crazy boffins were able to display wireless power transfer.

Despite being high voltage, they said, it was safe, efficient and could be applied to any surface. The demo room consisted of a kitchen without plugs, but full of lights that could be stuck anywhere and a frying pan that heated up just by sitting it on the counter. Put a phone on the same counter and it began charging. Clearly, this was the future.

The good news is that the Wireless Power Consortium are going to be finalising a standard for wireless power called Qi later this year, which should mean prices drop and manufacturers have the confidence to build the technology straight into devices, rather than requiring an adaptor. It's a tiny dongle that can turn Wi-Fi signals back into electricity for charging phone batteries and the like.